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Nur & the temple of the dragon

Juanba Berasategi
year: 2017
Running Time:
2D computer
Feature film [over 45 min]
Juanba Berasategi
Lotura Films
The program:


Nur has moved with her parents to live to China. There she has met new friends. Today is Guo Guo´s birthday and they will celebrate it in a huge theme park. They will suddenly realize Guo Guo has disappeared. His search takes them into a maze, in which they will have to solve different enigmas so as

Director's BIO

Juan Bautista Berasategi, founder of the animation production company Lotura films, made his début with the short film Ekialdeko Izarra (1977), followed by Fernando Amezketarra (1979), Ikuska 6 and Kukubiltxo (1983).

In 1985 he directed the first Basque animated film Kalabaza Tripontzia. This film received an Honorable Mention in the XXIII San Sebastian International Film Festival.

He has participated in many films as producer or director: Ipar Haizearen Erronka (1991), Sorkunde (1992), Sport Man (1992), Fernando Amezketarra (1995), Ahmed Alhambrako printzea (1997), Lazkao Txiki (1999), Txirrita (2000), Alhambrako Giltza (2002), Pailazokeriak (2005), Barriola San Adriango Azeria (2008), Simplemente (2009), Tormesko Itsumutila (2012), Gu Jatorri anitz herri bat (2013).

His last theatrical animated film has been Nur eta Herensugearen tenplua.

During his professional career, Juanba Berasategi has received recognitions, prizes and tributes such as Recognition for his career in KILOMETROAK, the Prize ARGIA awarded to Lotura Films, Tribute for his profesional career in the Basauri International Animated Film Festival. Prize ANTTON ABBADIE awarded by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Prize VIA FORA for the distribution of the catalan cinema. Prize Zinemira in the San Sebastian International Film Festival.

